Gain a competitive advantage in your training with our laser-focused programs specifically designed for competitive swimmers.

Develop Your Strength through a Swimming Specific Program

Our strength training program is designed for swimmers – and swimmers only! FM Strength prepares swimmers of all ages to compete at higher levels, while simultaneously reducing the risk of injury. In this program we will Identify key motions involved in your strokes, locate the target muscles which generate the motions and select specific exercises to enable the target muscles to contract stronger, faster and longer.

To tailor your personalized program our experts:
  • Identify key motions involved in your strokes
  • Locate the target muscles which generate the motions
  • Select specific exercises to enable the target muscles to contract stronger, faster and longer.


Not Just a Strength Plan for Swimmers, a Strength Plan for You!

Every sport has its own particular demands that it places on the body. Even within the sport different events have different strength demands, requiring you to work specific muscle groups in different ways. That's why FM's program is built by strength and swimming experts to produce results for swimmers.

Our workout plans are the perfect option for swimmers who want to work on their strength training independently, whenever and wherever it is most convenient for them. We professionally evaluate their needs, and customize a workout program that will help them achieve their goals.

To get started, use our Online Strength Application to give us the information we will need to start working on a plan just for you!

We recommend the FM Strength course for instructions on how to do the exercises contained in this plan.

Customize Workouts


This form will provide us with the information we need to design your customized plan. When creating a plan, FM charges per workout. This means, not only the length of your custom program, but the frequency of training affects the price of your plan. Use the tool below to get your quote. Your quote will be reflected in the quantity of workouts and the total price.


If it is a multiple day meet, use the first day

Total Number of Days: 0

Please enter a number from 0 to 7.
Number of days you plan on missing due to holidays, competitions etc. during the training period. These are essentially training days you will miss and not make up for.
Your Quote

Strength taper is assumed to be 21 days. (To dovetail your strength taper with your swim taper, we allow 7 day break after you complete your strength taper and before you start your 14 day swim taper)

Total Number of Workouts: 0

FM Strength Price Per Workout: $20.00

Estimated Price of Plan: $0.00
price of plan may vary depending on the number of workouts required.